Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Brain Drain

Get tongue-tied around that hot guy? Have a guy approach you and have him become suddenly clumsy or at a loss for words? That silent type may not be deep andmysterious, it may be because he thinks your HOT! Is that blood flow south adage true?

New research at Radboud University in the Netherlands measured the effect of mixed-sex interactions on cognitive thinking. It found significant impairment in men. People were asked to talk to a stranger before talking a cognitive test. Talking to a woman imparied men's performances more, especially if he had the hots for her. Whether or not he was in a steady relationship. Women had brain drain too but not at the same downward spiral as the men.

Scientists say that the harder the men tried to make a good impression on a woman the dumber they got. Trying to carefully monitor how you are presenting yourself uses alot of mental activity. Thus tires the brain for other thinking tests. And men seem to put more thought towards possible "mating relations" during interactions than women do.

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Gopher dancin for Corinne Davies

Hey Menage fans!! Two hunky gods in your dreams, what more can a woman ask? For them to be real? Or is that more than anyone can believe...

Read the new and first release by our friend, Corinne Davies. It was released today by Siren Publishing. Find the blurb excerpt and how to order here.

Congratulations, Corinne!!!!

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Brain Cramp Massage!

We all get brain cramps! Whether we are writing and stuck on where the characters should go next, or even start off from… Or any decision we need to make all day long. Study results are popping up all over suggesting ways to jumpstart the brain, get the creative juices flowing and light up the proverbial light bulb over our heads! I’ve blogged about this before and somewhere in the archives are other suggestions. However it seems an epidemic of brain cramps is affecting all the MMMM authors and other friends lately, so here are seven new tricks scientifically proven to get results!

Daydream- your brain actually goes into problem solving mode when you do this. Canadian researchers found zoning out activates the area of the brain for complicated reasoning.

Imagine a Box- Close your eyes and visualize an empty box. Brain scans showed this caused changes in the brain areas responsible for creativity and problem-solving> subconsciously we start brainstorming ways it can be filled. Puts you in the perfect frame of mind to come up with the problem’s solution.

Talk to your pet- Hearing the issue out loud helps you come up with creative solutions better than just keeping it in your head. And pets (or stuffed animals if you don’t have a pet- hey we writers are already out there, so why not?) don’t interrupt or make judgments. Their unconditional love automatically reduces stress that inhibits creativity.

Move your hands- Stuck on something? University of Chicago found that moving your hands helps you come up with solutions. Seems the movement simulates the brain’s thinking and problem-solving areas…waving those hands also helps boost memory and learning.

Walk backward- LOL My mom used to always say take a step back and look at it again when I was having a problem! Guess “mom’s always right” is proven true once again! in a study, backward steppers (as opposed to forward or sideways) came up with faster more effective solutions. Why? Our wiring. The unfamiliar situation, like not being able to see where we are going, puts the brain on high alert which ignites the area linked to cognitive thinking and problem-solving.

Switch rooms- The higher your ceiling, the more creative you become, according to a study at the University of Minnesota. When in a room with high ceilings participants approached problems with more abstract and imaginative ways. When under a low ceiling they focused on facts and details not looking at the bigger picture. Researchers think the lower ceiling makes us feel confined stuck in the box, thus more analytical thought. High ceilings we feel less enclosed, freer, so thoughts are more free-flowing. No high ceilings…Go Outside!

Plant something- A study at the University of Wisconsin at Madison showed tending a garden lowers anxiety, reduces stress hormones, and increases creativity and intuition. Gardening puts your mind in a meditative state, which boosts blood flow to the brain and helps you see things you normally wouldn’t. Ten minutes of meditation improved people’s ability to find hidden objects in pictures.

May your thoughts flow!

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Birthday and a Blog~

Happy Birthday to Paula! Our webmistress extraodinaire and wonderful friend! I have no idea how she does all she does! But thank you!!

Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest. I hope you celebrate many many many more!! Love ya, Chicca!

I blogged at TRSBLUE today!

I get a kick out of the titles on the covers of Cosmo and Glamour, one thatcaught my eye awhile back "What Men Really Think During Sex Besides YESSSSSSSS!" Yes, the title had me laughing. The article did too. Yeah, I read it! It seems we ladies shouldn't worry about the stretch marks and how we look nekkie. Menreally mean it when they say "You're being ridiculous. You look gorgeous." Men,it seems, when intoxicated with lust have the ability to airbrush the woman before them. Who knows maybe it's the blood flow south that affects thevision.*g*

Want more about the article and what goes through the male mind? check out theblog!~~

Hope everyone's having a great summer and a safe winter depending on where you are!

