Monday, March 17, 2014

The Luck of the Irish be upon you!

The Luck of the Irish be upon you! If you look at Irish History, what most consider luck hasn't been too grand for the Irish race. But if you look closer, you will notice that they are a people who stay positive, find a reason to smile, and find their pot of gold at the end of the rainbow despite the trouble life has wrought! So I find them to be very lucky, indeed! This is my wish for all of you, to find the rainbows in the storm and the happiness equal to a pot of gold of joy in your life! Because, truly, people who do are the luckiest! Thank you all for allowing me to count you as my blessings, my pieces of gold...And 'Beannachtam na Feile Padraig!' Happy St. Patrick's Day!



Blogger Allison Bruning said...

I'm a bit late but Happy Saint Patrick's Day. I'm part Irish and am interested in Irish History. Being Irish means being strong and never giving up even when the odds are never in your favor.

3/24/2014 8:29 AM  

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