Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Big Easy...

New Orleans!

Mari and I are about to have another adventure! We’re heading to New Orleans! So exciting!

Now, when we get back Mari and I aren’t even going to have time to catch our breath before we’ve got to scramble to get work done! Hopefully, we’ll have good news to share soon!

Until later~

Thursday, October 12, 2006

We’re back!

And let me tell you what an incredible time we had! The NJ conference rocked! I highly recommend any author who hasn’t attended one to make plans for one in their future. I/we got so much out of the workshops!

I’m particularly stoked by the “power of positive thought” we came away with!

And New York City! OMG…Mari is such a great host! I loved every moment of the adventure! And can’t wait until next year!

If there was only time to give in-depth details on everything, but there’s not! We have a week and we’re back on a jet plane to for New Orleans to attend Sherrilyn Kenyon’s KCON.

Our plate is covered with VALIANT and LUKEWARM PSYCHE. They’re in Mari’s court, I can’t wait to see her additions!

Until later~

Friday, October 06, 2006

off to NJRW

Hey All!! Just a quick note before we dash out the door. Melissa flew in from Indiana yesterday and survived being taken to see Open Season for my daughter’s Fifth birthday ( HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEANIE) and a night in the cave like dwelling also known as my parent’s basement, where the Hubby and I have been living in since our house renovations started.

We are off to the New Jersey Romance Writer’s -Put Your Heart in a Book Convention. Hopefully, to refill the well and whet the appetite for all kinds of Happy Ever After’s to write and to meet other people that are as insane as we are. Other People who actually enjoy torturing themselves this way! *g*

Mechele Armstrong will be joining us too! *gopher dance and cookie crumb filled hugs*

So combined with the three of us, there will be five published and aspiring authors. Melissa Lopez, Mechele Armstrong, Melany Logen,Marissa Alwin,Maureen Gianinio.

Also Melany Logen’s first Novel will be released through Ellora’s Cave on Oct 25th! Titled Torc’s Savlation, Which take it from this critique partner, is an amazing Futuristic Paranormal! The sequel is just as thrilling!

Yes, The Mmmmm writer’s will be descending on the convention and then a Sunday in NYC! Pray for us and all innocent bystanders *g*

Everyone have a great weekend, will catch you up on things soon

Monday, October 02, 2006

Overused or unnecessary words…

I don't have a very good grasp of grammar. My critique partners know this as well if not better than I do. I prefer Grammar B. Thank you, Robin Schone!

So, I truly believe there are no rules- only guidelines. Please your muse and see where it takes you, but don't ignore good advice or tools before you've considered it carefully. "Nora does it" won't fly.

"Crutch words." The ones you reuse over and over again. The trouble is, they're not the same ones every time. A brain seems to get to running in a furrow, where you might use a phrase like "a bit" several times on the same page.

Passive tense…it only matters when it sticks out, or your writing feels flat. It's
always a good idea to search for passives, but a section with no passives
at all would read “a bit” odd and forced.

Sometimes passive is the right choice, esp. when you want something to read dead and flat. Not everything requires animation.

Here are some words to be on the look out for:
Could, would
As – I sometimes replace it with a choice of "because" or "when"…

I watch for “ing" because that helps me look out for passive writing. "ing" words can slow the pace

I search for "feel" and "felt" as well. It's easy to get carried away with all those "she could feel."

Basically, when I put a vague word like “it”, I try to replace it with something more precise.

I’ve heard speech tags and thought tag can distance the reader, especially in deep third. My speech tags, when I need them, are limited to "said," "murmured," "whispered" or "growled," but I keep them to an absolute minimum. I think that's largely a style choice, not something everyone has to do.

Check out the link below (Michele Albert's Cheat Sheets) and look for
the lists of words under "Editing". While all those words are needed
from time to time, they can also become crutches.

Now remember while editing, be careful that you don't blindly follow the “guidelines ". Sometimes the best scenes/sentences/phrases break all the rules. And sometimes following the rules makes your writing stilted.

Repeat after me…there are no rules- only guidelines. Good luck finding your voice!

Until later~